Wednesday, September 20, 2017

I'm in a British Airways Facebook ad

Chester here! I wanted to share with you exciting mews, I mean news! I'm in a British Airways ad on Facebook! The video is here! I hope you enjoy it - there are other cats in it, too! Oh, I appear as the cat named "Susan"!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Exotic shorthair cat loves to roll on his side and chill

Hi! Chester here! Here's a new video of me and I'm doing cat stuff, well, exotic shorthair cat stuff! I roll on my side and play with the camera!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

I still love my catnip carrot

Mew,  mew - it's me, Garfield! I love all toys but I do love my catnip carrot. Here is a picture of me with my carrot!

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I love my home!

Mew, meow, it's me, Garfield! I have been adopteded for 4 years. Wow - that's a long time!  One of my favoritest things is to go in the hallway, outside of my apartment door. I also like to sit on a table that's there - I think it's there so I can sit on it, actually!

Here's a picture of me on the table!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cat video: funny flat face cat/exotic shorthair cat/Garfield cat

Mew, mew - it's me - Garfield! Hey - this is a video that I'm in and there's music in it. I hope you remember to watch me while you're tapping your feet to this ditty!

Chester the cat meows and eats!

Chester here! Here's a video of me - I meow in it and show off my water beard. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Garfield has a new trick

Mew, mew, it's me - Garfield! I have a new trick I'd like to tell you about! Whenever mommy bends over - like when she takes groceries out of the bag - I like to go on her back. I usually have to stand on something first - like a window sill.

Here are two examples of me on mommy's back!:

A photo posted by Chester SmooshyFace (@chestersmooshyface) on

Friday, November 27, 2015

My cats are weird - exotic shorthair/garfield cats

Mew, mew, it's me, Garfield! I hope you like this video - I'm in a tunnel and Chester is next to it!

Exotic shorthair cat gets an upper body massage (flat face/Garfield cat)

Chester here! You may have seen a few separate clips of my getting an upper body massage but here is the whole video - enjoy!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ask me about Diabeetus

This is Chester. Mom keeps laughing and I don't know why. Can you help meouwt?


Sunday, November 8, 2015

Cat video: Exotic shorthair/flat face cat likes to hide under paper!

Mew, mew - it's me, Garfield. Here's a video with me and I'm playing with paper! In case you don't know, it's very important to save packing paper from shipments so cats can play with it!

Friday, November 6, 2015

They really like exotic shorthair cats Chester and Garfield!

Tumblr has become my go-to (micro-)blogging platform because it's easy to use and quirky and inclusive in a way that I like. Here are some recent posts of Chester and Garfield that people on Tumblr have "liked" or "reblogged". Enjoy!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Tuesday, September 8, 2015