Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Garfield the Cat: A two-week test

In the previous entry, Garfield's rescuer (Lisa) wanted to drop him off for a two-week test...that day. It's not that we didn't want to welcome Garfield into our home, it's that we didn't expect him to come into our lives before we bought his food, another litter box, and set up a room for him. We also needed to read up a little on introducing a new cat to Chester. And we had to mentally prepare for a new cat. I asked if he could be dropped off the next evening instead to which she agreed.

I learned a few things when Lisa dropped off Garfield. Other people were interested in adopting Garfield but  our experience with the exotic shorthair breed helped to make us the number one choice. I think Lisa also liked our family situation in that we don't have kids but consider our animals as our children. She saved Garfield from such a crummy situation and he has such a good personality that she didn't want to just leave him with anyone.

I already posted one video of Garfield. I made a few of these because I don't remember as many details as I would like about Chester's first days with us and I wanted to have a better record this time. This was happening so fast and there was so much to tell, I wanted to get it all down in my own words but in the quickest way possible.

Here's Garfield's first video:

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